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Home / Mining heritage / The iron mines of Bourbach le Bas

The iron mines of Bourbach le Bas

Sentier géoloqique de Sentheim
68290 Bourbach-le-Bas

Follow in the footsteps of the 19th century miners as if you were there! At the end of the 17th century, a colony of miners, most of them of Swiss origin, settled down to extract iron ore for the blast furnace in the Masevaux valley. The mines were exploited until the end of the 19th century. Tours are organised during the summer season. The tour includes a visit to two galleries, including the large mine (400 m long!) and the first historical sites.


Informations pratiques

Type de lieu : Technical and industrial heritage, Natural site
Visit formulas: Guided tour for individuals with reservation, Guided tour for groups with reservation
Services pratiques : Drinks, Restaurant, Food for groups, Catering for groups

Accès : Access: Can not be accessed by car

Opening hours

: Visites guidées durant la saison estivale ou sur RDV