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Home / Museums / Close to the station / The Museum of the Friends of Thann

The Museum of the Friends of Thann

24 rue Saint Thiébaut
68800 Thann

The Museum of the Friends of Thann is located in the former covered wheat market (1519).
Ideally situated at the end of the marketplace, this building of pink sandstone, has two ends perforated by cart doors; this way, the carts go through the downstairs to load and unload the bag of wheat, rye, oat and barley, avoiding turning procedures.
The former covered wheat market has been partially destroyed during a bombing of 1945, converted into party hall, the building is again damaged in December 1944 during the withdrawal of the German troops.
Its restoration makes it possible to install there, from 1944, the collections of the History Society , “The Friends of Thann”.

Today it accommodates, on 3 stages, different collections. It tells the history of the town over the centuries and the wars and through the cult of St Thiebaut but also through the popular traditions. The stone room downstairs is dedicated to the 15 wood panels of the Bangards, vineyard guardians of Thann, while on the same stage, the Walch room hosts art exhibitions.

Marque vignobles et découvertes

Informations pratiques

Type de lieu : Museum and planetarium Folk art and traditions, History
Visit formulas: Free visit, Guided tour for individuals with reservation, Guided tour for groups with reservation
Services pratiques : Drinks, Restaurant, Food for groups Group reception Accès poussette

Accès : Access: By bus

Opening hours

from September 1st 2024 to September 29th 2024 : In June and September : Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 6 pm. In July and August : Tuesdays to Sundays from 2 to 6 pm.
Weekly closing Monday


Adult rate : 3 €
Child rate : 1 €
Avantages tarifaires : Gratuit jusqu'à 6 ans

Moyens de paiement : espèces
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