Farm inns: beware, tradition alert!

In addition to their culinary specialties, when we talk about farm inns, we must also mention their traditions: transhumance, marcaire, Vosges cows, etc.

Since the 19th century, the marcaire (from the Alsatian “malker” which means milker) has exploited and maintained the high stubble.
The marcaire is therefore a mountain farmer who practices transhumance and who exploits a herd of dairy cows for the production of cheeses and in particular the famous Munster.
Today, these marcaires, who are mostly farmer-innkeepers, are the guarantors of these ancestral traditions.

So, during a stroll on the Route des Crêtes, pay a visit to our farmer innkeepers, sit on the terrace with a cold beer or a blueberry tart, enjoy the view (always breathtaking) and stock up on mountain traditions.

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6 results
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Les Buissonnets Farm Inn

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Molkenrain Inn

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